Our Infrastructure

Our Infrastructure

The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity.

Assembly Shop

Approx 25,000 sqft Well Laid-Out Assembly & Sub-Assembly Areas spread on Two Floors.

Assembly Shop

Approx 25,000 sqft Well Laid-Out Assembly & Sub-Assembly Areas spread on Two Floors.

Sheet Metal Fabrication Shop

Approx 10,000 sqft Area.

Sheet Metal Fabrication Shop

Approx 10,000 sqft Area.

Inventory Stores

5,000sqft System Driven Inventory and Component Storage Space.

Office Areas

Approx 5,000 + 5,000sqft Area, Centrally Air Conditioned, 4 Meeting / Conference Rooms.

Surface Treatment shop

Nine Tank Chemical Eco-Friendly Pre Treatment Line Powder Coating Booth & Diesel Fired Baking Oven.